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11 February 2025 (Tuesday)

Young Researcher Capacity Building Workshop (Paper Presentation)

8 Oktober 2020 (Khamis)

1530-1730Speech by IKMAS Director

Speech by MARI/USAID Representative

Speech by the UKM Press Director

Dialogue with Chandra Muzaffar
“The Role of Young Intellectual: How to Proceed Intellectual Tradition in Malaysia”

Tea time
2000-2200PANEL 1

Teo Lee Ken (Constructing Time, Producing Spaces: Political Narrative and Discourse in Malaysia

Muhammad Helmy Abd Ghapar (From Footbal Club to Ultras: The Cultural and Identity Formation of New Football Suppoters in Malaysia)

Nazrin Zaidi (Cultural Congress 1971 and 2017: Analysing the Question of High Culture and Cultural Nationalism)

9 Oktober 2020 (Jumaat)

0830-1030PANEL 2

Syahida Johan (Memory, Identity and Social Class in Tash Aw’s Novels)

Aisyah Tajuddin (The Status of Political Satire in Malaysia: The Art Form and Its Limitations)

Najiha Zainuddin (UNDI18: Kesiapsiagaan Kerajaan dan Pelajar)
1030-1100Tea time
1100-1300PANEL 3

Nabilah Bintul Huda Lutpi (Wa’adat: Beyond Time Its Significance for the Contemporary World)

Fatimah Tajuddin (Understanding Narration in Malaysia Indie Films)

Syahida Che Lah (The Ethnic Cooperative Elements in Constructing Nation-State via Social Integration)
1445-1645PANEL 4

Zikri Rahman (Cultural Movement Post-GE12: The Case Study of Buku Jalanan, Borneo Komrad and Kuliah Buku)

Sazni Salehuddin (Self-Representation and Digital Identity in the Polemics of Malaysian Narrative)

Muhammad Febriansyah (Black Lives Matter: Its Response, Debate and Contestation in Malaysia)
1645-1700Tea time
2000-2230Naratif Malaysia Lecture by Jomo K. Sundram
— “Racial Populisme in Malaysia: A Question”

10 Oktober 2020 (Sabtu)

0830-1030PANEL 5

Muhammad Arif Asyrul Adnan (Developmental Narrative and Populism in Malaysia: Strentening Moral Politics and the Rise of Malay Populisme)

Zaharul Abdullah (Kepelbagaian Kecenderungan Negara Pembangunan Malaysia dari 1971-2020)

Muhamad Azwan Abd Rahman (Pembangunan Sebagai Kebebasan: Di Mana Letaknya Klusif, Inklusif dan Eksklusif di Malaysia?) (Development as Freedom: The Location of Clusive, Inclusive and Exclusive in Malaysia)

Muhammad Rahimi Hasan (Unfolding thef ‘Feminism-Nationalism’ in Malay Peninsular, 1946-1957)
1030-1100Minum pagi
1100-1300PANEL 6

Izzuddin Ramli (Kelantanese Islamic Identity in Kuala Lumpur)

Ehsan Shahwahid (Islam and The Malaysia Narrative of Development in the 21st Century)

Ab Bassit Husain (MARA in Driving Nation Transformation: Professional Middle Class and Malay Entrepenuer)

Ahmad Afif Zukipli (Muhasabah Kebangsaan: Sebuah Perspektif dari Konsep Cinta Erich Fromm) (Reflection on Nationalism: A Perspective from Erich Fromm’s Concept of Love)
1300-1430Makan tengahari
1445-1645PANEL 7 (ZOOM)

Ooi Kok Hin (Asal-usul PTPTN dan Hutang Pinjaman Pendidikan Tinggi) (The Origin of PTPN and High Education Loan Debt)

Yuniza Abdul Latif (Integrasi Etnik dalam Kalangan Belia di Lembah Klang) (Ethnic Integration of Youth in Klang Valley)

Fairuzzaman Shaharuddin (Reviving the Role of Intellectuals and Its Culture in the Age of Fourth Industrial Revolution (Ri4))

Amirah Haziqah (Gentrification impact in Malaysian Development for Social-Economic of Society and Globalisastion)
1645-1700Tea time
2000-2200Group Discussion
— A Discussion on the Reseach Implementation of Naratif Malaysia

11 Oktober 2020 (Ahad)

0830-1030Conclusion by a UKM Press editor

Conclusion by Prof Emeritus Dato’ Dr. Abdul Rahman Embong
1030-1100Tea time
1100-1200Moving Forward: What’s Next?
Young Intellectual Vison by Prof. Emeritus Dato’ Dr. Abdul Rahman Embong
Formatingan Autonomous Scholar Community, a dialogue with dengan Prof. Emeritus Dato’ Dr. Abdul Rahman Embong
1200-1400Lunch/ End

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